October 2019
An exhibition created from submissions to an open call to graphic designers and illustrators, shown at LCB Depot as part of its Design Season 2.
The Open Call….
Loop invites submissions from graphic designers and illustrators around the world. The selected works will form an exhibition Loop Open 2, to be shown at LCB Depot in Leicester in October 2019 as part of its Design Season 2.
Please submit a digital image in JPEG format to loop@lcbdepot.co.uk by Tuesday 20th August.
One piece of work per person. Submit with a brief description of the work, talk about the medium, size, date it was made and why you have created it.
We’ll email you to let you know if your work has been accepted into the exhibition. Once your work has been accepted, you can send it to us in a printed format ready to be hung for the exhibition.
Any questions, please email loop@lcbdepot.co.uk